He who fondly sings my praise or narrates the story of my life will always see Me standing in front of him and behind, and everywhere around him.

Sai Baba of Shirdi.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

2 new video channels for Sai Lovers


Om Sai Ram,

We are starting to upload videos on youtube Channels. One youtube channel we have created totally dedicated to Sai Baba We love Sai YouTube Channel . 

As the need of these days we feel a good audio visual experience would be better than written content. As watching Baba's videos and listening Leelas and stories of Baba itself is an act of Meditating and Loving Baba. With Baba's grace we hope Baba makes good content in these video channels through us.

Om Sai.

We will be uploading videos on various other spiritual subjects on the channel which was created around the time when this blog was created AlpeshPatel .

Hope you enjoy to enhance the spiritual journey in Baba's love.

Om Sai Ram.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Spiritual Growth - They come here like vessels upside down.

Om Shri Sai,

Sai Baba of Shirdi
There are so many stories of Sai Baba of Shirdi and each one gives us something valuable. It teaches us something. Reading the stories itself, narrating stories to others, storing the stories of Sai Baba in our hearts itself is act of Sadhana (Spiritual practise) or Guru's seva (selfless service).

Lets read another wonderful story of SadGuru Shri Sai Baba and store it within our hearts.

There was one railway station master named Valambi. This Valambi was filled with his own ideas about spirituality and unspirituality. He heard about people flocking to Shirdi, to see and to meet a Fakir called Sai Baba, who was regarded as Sadguru (Spiritual Master) by many. He thought this Fakir was unnecessarily honored. 

Das Ganu a medium of Sai Baba of Shirdi, who use to sing glories of Sai Baba and tell spiritual stories and sung bhajans in Kirtan , took this Valambi to Sai Baba. 

When they approached Baba. The Manifest and the Witness Shri Sai Baba was washing some utensils and was putting them mouth downwards on the floor. 

The Able one Sai Baba said, "People who comes here are like this."

This little story or incident implies much. On how we should approach the Guru or divinity, especially for the spiritual push. We should go empty headed with the sense of surrender. Even if we are not empty from inside, we should go with a sense of humbleness and surrender. 

Then we become open to the divine grace, that Baba is always showering. Which can be of much help for our spiritual growth.

For the close disciples or devotees, the level of surrender is put to test by the Master. Sai Baba of Shirdi used to test his devotees. KakaSaheb Dixit a pure Brahmin by birth and act, was once asked by Baba to cut a goat's throat as sacrifice. This man who was averse to kill even the mosquitoes that harassed him, showed his faith and surrender. This act of cutting the goats throat as sacrifice was a serious sinful act, he believed from his heart. He got ready with the knife to do it. Sai Baba of Shirdi then stopped him doing so.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Guru Sai Baba's advice and that of a fake guru.

This is a story of Shirdi Sai Baba, perhaps not much known and i would like to share it on this blog.
This story explains why the Guru should be a perfect one. Only a self realized Guru and a Perfect Master can guide us rightly, help us and push us on spiritual path and and also temporal life.

There was one Kalve Patil. He was subordinate of Mamlatdar B.V. Dev. B.V. Dev was one of one of the contemporary devotees of Shirdi Sai Baba. He often visited Shirdi and Sai Baba and was one of very faithful devotee.

This Kalve Patil had a Guru who advised him to instal a brand new image of Goddess of Vani (Vani) in place of the old image. And perform many ceremonies associated with the installation of new idol of the Goddess.

Kalve Patil still had some doubts. So he approached Sai Baba twice. He did this through B.V. Dev and through Shama. He wanted direction from Baba on this matter. Which he got. Being a Sadguru and all-knowing, Sai Baba's advice was that the new idol of the Goddess of Vani should not be installed in the family temple.

He asked if any harm would befall if the new idol is installed. Baba answered that an epidemic would strike as the consequence.

But somehow his Guru's persuasion ruled over Baba's advice in his mind. He bought a new idol and did the so called spiritual ceremonies as advised by his guru. The words from Baba came out true as always. An epidemic struck the village and Patil's wife was the first one to be struck.

Our minds don't work well when we are in much difficulties. That's why How to go to Sai Baba should always be remembered by us. So forgetting that Baba's words came true, he went to his Guru for help and advice, whose advice was the cause of this problems he was facing.

The Guru demanded half of Patil's owned land as a gift to avert this problem. Now Patil realized that this so called Guru of his, was a greedy ignorant man and a hypocrite. He should have act according to the words of Baba.

Hence it is very important to have a right Spiritual Guru. In Shri Sai SatCharitra Chapter 2, also we find the importance of Guru as said in a small story said by Sai Baba. Baba always praised His Guru and thus taught us the importance we should have for our Guru. Just not Guru, the special gifts given by Guru carrying Guru's grace should also be treated with most love and care. This we learn from Sai Baba's Brick, the brick which he kept with him and would meditate on His self with the help of it and also would sleep placing his head on the sacred brick.

Related articles to read online.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Madhavrao Aadkar - contemporary devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba

Madhavrao Adkar a contemporary devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba, and also a medium for Shirdi Sai Baba was very good friend to Das Ganu another medium of Shirdi Sai Baba. Madhavrao Adkar was blessed with sweet melodic singing voice with good and devotional looks. He became a medium for popularizing the poetic and devotional song compositions of Das Ganu Maharaj. Both of these good friends shared the intense pull towards devotional music, poetries and singing. Mostly they loved to be immersed in devotion of God with - thoughts, music, singing, reading and music. Noting Madhavrao’s pull towards the divine, Das Ganu took him to Shirdi to his spiritual Guru Sai Baba. The time was about around 1897. Reaching Shirdi and having darshan of Sai Baba Madhavrao experienced the taste of what he was looking for - The peace of mind and devotion he felt in the presence of Sadguru Shri Sai Baba.

Madhavrao’s basic pull was towards divine and much less in worldly activities. It is called vairagya, a person much attracted towards the divine and less in worldly matters. Thus it gave him much joy to be in the highly spiritual environment of Shirdi and near his Sadguru Sai Baba. He was not interested in going back to live with his family. His family members and relatives missed his presence and made searches for him, which ended in failures. This ended when a person named Raghopant told them that he was living in Shirdi. Immediately his father along with a companion set off to Shirdi.

As they were nearing Shirdi, the all knowing Sai Baba told Madhavrao,“Two persons are coming to take you back. You will have to go back with them. Go! I will be always with you in from of Aarati (Story behind arati Sai Baba). Thus Baba also confirmed His presence in His Aarti. When the riders arrived, Sai Baba said,”Go with them immediately! You will give birth to a son. Name him as ‘Ram’! You need not stay here. Go with them.” 

Like a true devotee Madhavrao obeyed the words of his spiritual master, against his spiritual wishes(Sai Baba knows better). Thus he returned back to his family life along with his father. He knew that the words and guidance of his Guru Sai Baba were the most important, than his own wishes, spiritual of otherwise. The threads of the spiritual growth lies in the hands of Guru, so surrender to Guru’s guidance is best for Spiritual growth and also worldly life. In due course a son was born to him as Sai Baba had said. He was named Ramchandra according to Sai Baba’s advice given much earlier. 

He also had a daughter who was married to Shri Ropalekar who lived in the sacred land Pandharpur. Just like her mother, she also did not live long. Hence in the thread ceremony of Ramchandra, his father Madhavrao Adkar was the only immediate family member present. 

Few of Madhavrao’s experiences in Shirdi. 

Madhavrao’s devotional heart always yearned to be in the sacred land Shirdi. To be in Shirdi and being closer to his Sadguru Sai Baba was what gave him immense happiness. Once, Ramnavami, one of the major festival celebrated in Shirdi was approaching. Madhavrao wanted to be in Shirdi as soon as possible. His feeble health at that time made him anxious. He was worried how he will be able to travel in poor health conditions. As Sai Baba did and do with many devotees, he was able to reach Shirdi:). Two of his friends destined to go to Shirdi, reached him and took him along with them. 

Like many devotees, Madhavrao experienced Sai Baba’s strong presence in Shirdi. He felt Sai Baba’s grace was with him and taking care of him each and every moment. His heart and mind were at rest, knowing his wellbeing and welfare was being taken care of. The compassionate Sai Baba was taking care of him and everything related with him. To be in Masjid (Dwarkamai) in the physical presence of Sai Baba was his most loved daily activity while in Shirdi. Once he was disappointed to see a huge crowd waiting to enter Masjid (Dwarkamai). The guards would not allow Madhavrao soon. Just then, Sai Baba sent a message, “Let Madhavrao come in!” Only a devotee with intense desire like Madhavrao can imagine the joy and fulfillment Madhavrao at that moment.

The compassionate Sai Baba took under His loving care,  the welfare and spiritual progress of the devotional hearted Madhavrao Adkar. Besides the sacred land Shirdi, he also visited other sacred places of pilgrimage in India, such as Kashi, Rameshwar, Balaji(Tirupati Andhra Pradesh), Gangapur, Narasobachi Wadi, Mahur, Tuljapur, Pandharpur and many other. During these visits he was also fortunate to have the darshan and company and blessings of Spiritual Masters, sages and holy men like, Gajanan Maharaj, Akkalkot Swami, Balbheem Maharaj, Sakhaya Swami Dehukar, Vaskar, Vyankat Swami, Vinayakbua, Dada Maharaj. 

His love for singing devotional songs, enhanced by love for in-study of spiritual and religious subjects.

Madhavrao also enjoyed studying various spiritual, religious, mythological and historic topics. So this along with his devotional heart and sweet singing voice made him a popular singer among people. People loved to attend his singing and Kirtans (singing of bhajans and rendering spiritual talks). Madhavrao was also gifted with the composing of poems. He always bowed his head before his dear friend Das Ganu Maharaj a composer. He made it a point to attend Das Ganu’s Kirtans whenever he could. He memorized most of Das Ganu’s compositions and poems and Kirtans. Another good practice of Das Ganu he followed was that of recite Vishnu-Sahashra-Naam 12 times daily. We can also find Sai Baba explaining importance of Vishnu-Sahasranama to Shama in chapter 27 of Shri Sai Satcharitra. He also accompanied his dear and respected friend Das Ganu in Ramnavami festival in Shirdi every year, until 1952 A.D. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Sai Baba's arrival to Shirdi

The birth and parentage of Sai Baba of Shirdi is a mystery. In Shri Sai SatCharitra we read that, those who asked the question about Sai Baba's birth, parents or Guru, about His earlier life before coming to Shirdi. Sai Baba's glance would silent the questioner. So there are no records of Sai Baba himself answering such questions. Anyhow if you are interested to read about Shirdi Sai Baba's earlier life before coming to Shirdi. This part of the book Lord Meher, will make a good reading. Sai Baba's earlier life in Shirdi is available on this blog. 

Also in Shri Sai SatCharitra is mention of  Shirdi Sai Baba's arrival in Shirdi with Chand Patil, in a marriage procession. The story of the meeting of Sai Baba and Chand Patil is very interesting.

Chand Patil, the headman of village Dhupkheda of Nizam's State, travelled regularly on his horseback to Aurangabad district for business and other related matters. Once on such a trip, while he was resting in a jungle on the way, his horse was lost. Chand Patil, was deeply concerned with the loss of his favorite horse. 

Frantically he looked for the horse, here and there, but in vain. Gloomy, he was walking around in search of his horse when he was called by Fakir, sitting under a huge Margosa tree. The Fakir had scarf worn on His head and a Kafni (a robe) on His body. He had short thick stick with him (called Satka), a Chilum (clay pipe used for smoking). He was preparing the Chilum for smoke. He called Chand Patil and asked him to sit and rest. Stressed under the loss of his horse, Chand Patil replied that he was searching for his lost horse.

The Fakir told him not to worry and look for the same on the banks on a nearby water stream. Chand Patil did the same, and was relieved from the stress and felt much happy on finding his lost horse. This Fakir had some different divine qualities. As Patil sat near Him, he noticed that the Fakir was preparing for smoking Chilum. Two vital elements were missing for the same. One was the fire with which the Chilum has to be lighted. The other was water, with which a cloth is moistened and wrapped on the smoking end of Chilum. 

To the amazement of Patil, Sai Baba hit the Satka on the earth and fire appeared. He hit the Satka at a nearby point and water started flowing from there. The fakir lighted the tobacco with the fire and moistened the cloth. He puffed few smoke from the same and offered it to Patil.

This amazed Patil. He was already feeling some divine qualities in this Fakir and witnessed one of these Miracles of Sai Baba. He urged the Fakir to visit his home. The Fakir agreed. He went Dhupkheda with Patil, spent few days there. The brother of Chandbhai's wife was to be married to a girl from village in Shirdi. A procession for the same left for Shirdi with the bride.

Sai Baba accompanied them. The procession reached Shirdi. From a bullock cart under a tree near Khandoba Temple, stepped out the Fakir.

Read : How this Fakir was named Sai Baba.

Below is the video from a movie made on Shirdi Sai Baba with this story in Hindi language. 

Even today Samdhi of Chand Patil is preserved in the village Dhupkheda near Aurangabad district.

Some pictures below

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Start of the worship of Sai Baba

Soon after the first miracle of Sai Baba that of lighting the lampBabaSmilingColor wicks soaked in water, was noticed by the villager’s of Shirdi. The pagal (mad) Fakir was was visited by many. Not because of His miraculous powers, but the compassion that goes along with. The miracles of  Sai Baba, were and are never meant for amusement purpose or for the display of powers. They happened purely for compassion. The compassion that Sai Baba had for the devotees and human kind. The miracles are for guiding the devotees on the path of spirituality, truth and bringing an end to the miseries created by devotees own deeds present or past.

BabaCrossLegged Before this Mahalsapati and his two friends Tukaram Darji and Appa Bhil were the only trio that used to recognize Baba’s divinity and worship Him. Now other people also started flocking to the divine compassionate Dwarkamai and start worship of Sai Baba, with waving of lamps, pouring of flowers and colored rice over Sai Baba’s head, offers of fruit, sandal, money, camphor, attar etc. This was resisted much by Sai Baba, to the point that Sai Baba would get angry and throw away the dish containing articles to worship Him.

But then owing to the love and devotion of devotees he allowed Sabka Maalik Ek (1) them. Sai Baba in the beginning was much known as a Muslim Sufi Fakir. A Muslim devotee once was thinking about the Hindu ways of Worship that Sai Baba accepted was against Islamic rules. Sai Baba the instant knower of everybody’s thoughts looked at him and said, “Jaisa desh, vaisa bhesh.” , which meant do as Romans, while in Rome. Baba further said that He himself was devotee of Allah. But if Hindus were pleased with the devotion to God in their own way, there was no need to stop them.

All that is needed is devotion of heart, the ways of Worshiping Sai Baba or the Divine Infinite One “Sabka Malik Ek” does not matter much.

When ever we worship that One indivisible, infinite and formless divine, much love towards the divine is needed. The intensity of love, is what that matters most. When saints, sages and avataras are worshiped it the divinity in them that is worshiped. The real lovers and worshipers see and feel the divinity in idols and pictures. For others, they appear just dead statue.

read more articles on Sai Baba's earlier years in Shirdi

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sai Baba curing ailments

Om Sai Ram,

Those who have been reading Sai SatCharitra might be aware BabaDhuniNikon that many ailments physical, mental and emotional would be wiped out by just having darshan of Sai Baba. Just going near his physical form, with submission from within was enough. The troubled or turbulent mind would find peace and contentment. Many stubborn diseases, refusing to go with modern medicine and surgeries would have to go just with his glance or the words from Sai Baba’s mouth. Sacred Udi was given in many cases. For some, they received abuse and beating from Sai Baba and found that they were free from ailments. For some the aliments aggravated for some time and then never returned. In some cases the ailments would be actually manifest on Sai Baba’s body for some time. Sai Baba would take the aliments of the devotees on Him, and free the devotees from the same.

In the earlier years in Shirdi, when Sai Baba was not much known as a compassionate Fakir but a mad fakir. Most of the time Sai Baba remained in total contemplation of divine. Other time He would spend with meeting people and noting their ailments. He would prescribe and make medicines from simple herbs found in neighborhood and available in local markets. He became well known as hakim. To villagers His knowledge of curing physical ailment was surprising. He cured leprosy, snake bites, ailing eyes and many other diseases, normal and stubborn. He never accepted any money or fees for the cures.
Sai Baba also ploughed the village’s common land. ThSai_Baba_Watering_plantsis is the place were Samadhi Mandir of Shirdi is situated now. He planted plants of flowers and created a beautiful garden. Many plants bearing different flowers such as Jai, Jui and Zendu were brought by Baba from Rahta and planted, where Samdhi Mandir now stands, a solace for so many devotees.  Wamanroa Tatya a potter supplied Him with two unbaked pots daily. Sai Baba would carry pots full of water, carry it on his own shoulders, and water the plants. The unbaked pots would break after the watering was done and kept under a tree. Sai Baba freely distributed the flowers and leaves from that garden to various Hindu and Muslim sacred places. The sacred places were considered as sacred and not as Hindu’s or Musim’s sacred place.
Sai Baba also used to travel to Rahata village some 3 kms away from Shirdi. He would spend some time with Kushalchand. Even today the house of Kushalchand in Rahta stands as Sai Baba used to visit. Only changes being made is the electricity wires added and repainting of the house. Devotees can visit and see the house and know the details like where Sai Baba used to sit.
Another house that Sai Baba used to visit outside Shirdi was of Shri Dengle in Neemgaon.
read more articles on Sai Baba's earlier years in Shirdi